Calcium Chloride Boost




Pasteurizing milk decreases the amount of calcium, leading to a softer curd. Adding Calcium chloride compensates for this change. It is used with store-bought milk, cold- stored raw milk, and goats milk to create a firmer setting curd, which is easier to cut and results in a larger yield. It is also used to balance calcium levels in brines.

Kosher, Non-GMO, Vegan, Vegetarian

Calcium Chloride Boost

Pasteurizing milk decreases the amount of calcium, leading to a softer curd. Adding Calcium chloride compensates for this change. It is used with store-bought milk, cold- stored raw milk, and goats milk to create a firmer setting curd, which is easier to cut and results in a larger yield. It is also used to balance calcium levels in brines.

Kosher, Non-GMO, Vegan, Vegetarian

Pasteurizing milk decreases the amount of calcium, leading to a softer curd. Adding Calcium chloride compensates for this change. It is used with store-bought milk, cold- stored raw milk, and goats milk to create a firmer setting curd, which is easier to cut and results in a larger yield. It is also used to balance calcium levels in brines.

Kosher, Non-GMO, Vegan, Vegetarian

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