Crescenza (Stracchino) By Fromaggio

Crescenza (Stracchino)
Crescenza, also referred to as Stracchino, is a soft, creamy Italian cheese with a mild and slightly tangy flavor. It originated in the Lombardy region, where it was traditionally made from the milk of cows returning from alpine pastures, tired from the journey ("stracca" means tired in Italian). Popular in northern Italy, especially in Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, and Veneto, Crescenza is enjoyed spread on bread, melted on focaccia, or used in savory dishes like stuffed pasta. It's an easy cheese to make, but the deliciously creamy result is well worth the effort.
Difficulty level: beginner
Type of milk: cow
Cheese style: fresh-soft


  • Calcium Chloride Boost
  • Salt for Cheesemaking
  • Craft Yogurt Starter Culture
  • Microbial Rennet for Soft Cheese


1. Instructions
Please insert the plastic drainer into the heating pot. Then add the Soft cutter/mixer on the shaft by pushing it down as far as possible.
2. +Milk
Please add: 3 liter of pasteurized cow milk.
3. +Ingredients
Please add:
5 drop(s) of Fromaggio Calcium Chloride Boost
4. Heat
Time: 00:30:00
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: 30 RPM
5. +Ingredients
Please add:
20 g of Fromaggio Salt for Cheesemaking
6. Mix
Time: 00:01:00
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: 50 RPM
7. +Ingredients
Please add:
2 g of Fromaggio Craft Yogurt Starter Culture
Tip: If you don't have Yogurt starter culture, you may substitute with 2 grams of Fromaggio TempMaster Thermophilic Culture.
8. Mix
Time: 00:00:30
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: 30 RPM
9. Heat
Time: 00:30:00
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: 30 RPM
10. +Ingredients
Please add:
2 g of Fromaggio Microbial Rennet for Soft Cheese
11. Mix
Time: 00:00:40
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: 50 RPM
12. Heat
Time: 01:00:00
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: OFF
13. Cut
Temperature: OFF
Cut Size: Soft
14. Heat
Time: 00:30:00
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: OFF
15. Cut
Temperature: OFF
Cut Size: Soft
16. Heat
Time: 00:05:00
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: OFF
17. Mix
Time: 00:00:07
Temperature: 38 °C
Speed: 30 RPM
18. Drain
To drain, lift up the drainer by the handle. Put the mesh strainer on top of the heating pot, and the drainer inside of the mesh strainer
Time: 15:00:00
Tip: Drain in room temperature or slightly above. Put a cloth over drainer while draining.
19. Instructions
(Optional) Add truffles to take this cheese to the next level!
20. Affinage
Time: 72:00:00
Temperature: 2 °C
Humidity: 85%
Tip: Age in a covered plastic container in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Consume within 1 week total from the start of the aging.